Why we exist

The current approach to mental healthcare is primarily treatment focused and reliant on expensive, episodic forms of support.

We’re redefining what a more pro-active and integrated way of looking after our wellbeing for the modern, everyday individual looks like.

Our vision

We envision a world where there is a healthy mind for everybody

people collage

Our Core Beliefs

Improving our mind is an ongoing journey, not an overnight process
Life on earth is short. It should be spent living, not merely existing
Looking after our mind shouldn’t be a choice between groceries and getting support

Our Team

Suyin Kee

All things product and

Johnson Lin

All things tech and

Acacia Parks

Science Advisor
All things digital health and

Collaborate with us

Drop us a message

We are always looking to collaborate with experts, researchers, clinicians and health system players in building healthier minds. If you are interested, reach out